
产品伤害危机模糊情境下企业与行业危机对消费者抱怨意向的影响 被引量:6

The Impact of Firm-Isolated Versus Industry-Generalized Product Harm Crises on Consumer Complaint Intention under Ambiguous Situation
摘要 产品伤害危机是指产品被发现有缺陷或危险的广为宣传事件。在中国大陆,一个特别值得关注的现象是行业产品伤害危机频繁发生。基于此背景,本文采用实验方法检验产品伤害危机模糊情境下企业与行业危机对消费者抱怨意向的影响,同时检验不满意的中介效应及个性特质变量思维方式的调节效应。回归分析与方差分析结果表明,产品伤害危机类型(企业与行业危机)对于抱怨意向有显著的主效应,与行业危机相比,企业危机下被试有更高水平的抱怨意向;危机类型影响被试的不满意情感,与行业危机相比,企业危机下被试有更高水平的不满意;不满意积极影响抱怨意向,即被试更高水平的不满意导致更高水平的抱怨意向;不满意中介危机类型对于抱怨意向的影响,且思维方式调节危机类型对于不满意及抱怨意向的影响。 Product-harm crises are of well-publicized occurrences wherein products are found to be defective or dangerous, and in China's Mainland industry-generalized crises have become frequent to the point that more attention needs to be paid to the phenomenon. In terms of increasing occurrence of industry-generalized product harm crises, investigating consumer emotion reaction and behavioral intention change has important implications after such crises. But few researches have been conducted in order to investigate the phenomenon. And to date, no research has taken firm-isolated versus industry-generalized product harm crises as antecedent variables to examine their influence on consumer reactions. Ambiguity is one of the characteristics of product harm crises. When a product harm crisis is first reported m media, it is very common that the chain of responsibility is unclear to observers. Despite the inherent ambiguity in these types of situations, observers will still judge who should be responsible. And if consumers blamed the company, this would negatively affect their future purchase intention. In spite of this, very few researches have investigated consumer emotion reaction and behavior intention change during product harm crisis under ambiguous situation. Based on the concerns mentioned above, this research works on the impact ot product harm crises in case of firm-isolated (a single firm involvement) and industry-generalized (several firms involvement) occurrences on consumer complaint intention under ambiguous situation, under the mediating effect of dissatisfaction and moderating effect of thinking mode. Understanding and managing consumer complaint behavior is very important, since it gives marketing organizations an opportunity for taking measures to correct errors and maintain their reputation and consumer relationship. And in this paper the dependent variable of consumer complaint intention is defined as the behavior intention which dissatisfied consumers make to the company. The research utilizes experiment method between subjects where respondents evaluate imaginary scenario of product harm crises (firm-isolated or industry-generalized occurrence)through questionnaire. And regression analysis and ANOVA analysis etc. are used to analyze data. The results indicate that product harm crises types (firm isolated versus industry generalized occurrence) have significant main effect on consumer complaint intention. Firm isolated versus industry generalized occurrence affects the judgment of dissatisfaction of consumer, and dissatisfaction does mediate the influence of product harm crises types on consumer complaint intention. Under ambiguous product harm crisis, subjects are more dissatisfactory and have higher level of complaint intention in firm-isolated crisis than in industry-generalized crisis. The results also indicate consumer dissatisfaction positively affect consumer complaint intention. Thinking modes moderate the effect of product harm crisis types on consumer dissatisfaction and consumer complaint intention. Compared to subjects of holistic thinking, those of analytical thinking are dissatisfactory even under industry-generalized crisis situation. And Compared to subjects of holistic thinking, those of analytical thinking are more likely to complain even under industry-generalized crisis situation. The results of this paper contribute to understanding and interpreting theoretical principles of how consumers evaluates firm-isolated or industry-generalized product harm crises they encounter under ambiguous situation. And the results also benefit to business administrators and regulation agencies by offering useful guidelines.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期94-104,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"产品危机事件之群发属性对消费者补救预期的影响-情感反应的心理作用机制"(70972018)
关键词 企业 行业产品伤害危机 模糊情境 消费者不满意 消费者抱怨意向 思维方式 firm-isolated versus industry-generalized product harm crises ambiguous situation consumer dis-satisfaction consumer complaint intention thinking mode
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