
城市车辆网络下一种基于道路划分的多信道分配算法 被引量:1

Road′s Partition Based Multi-channel Assignment Algorithm in Urban Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network
摘要 城市车辆网络下多信道分配问题是指在城市车辆网络中,每个节点配置多个网卡,如何调节每个网卡使其在可用的正交信道(如802.11a可用12个正交信道,802.11b/g可用3个正交信道)之间进行切换以充分利用多个信道而达到减少节点之间的干扰和提高网络吞吐量的问题.本文提出了一种适用于网络拓扑具有高度动态性的城市车辆网络的基于道路划分的多信道分配算法(mimc-road).该算法按照道路划分进行多信道分配,将一个二维网络多信道问题简化为以一维空间为主的多信道分配问题,并将基于动态网络链路的信道分配问题转化为基于静态道路的信道划分问题.模拟实验结果表明:对比传统单信道单网卡模式和fix-switch算法,mimc-road算法显著提高了车辆网络的性能. In urban vehicular ad-hoc networks, multi-channel assignment problem is that when every network node has several interfaces, how to switch each interface between available channels {for example, 802.11 b/g has three available channels, while 802.11 a twelve available channels) to reduce the interference between neighbor links and improve the throughput. In this paper, a road based multi-channel assignment algorithm named mimc-road is provided. In this algorithm, roads are divided into many units and every unit is assigned a channel, and the neighbor units have different channels. In this way, the two-dimensional space based network multichannels problem is simplified to one-dimensional space based multi-channel assignment, and the dynamic channel assignment of links is converted to the static road based channels division. Experiment results show that mimc-road significantly improves the performance (throughput) of vehicular ad-hoc networks.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期694-699,共6页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61073155)资助 国家"九七三"重点基础研究发展计划项目(2009CB320504)资助
关键词 车辆网络 多信道分配 mimc-road fix-switch vanetmobisim NS2 vehicular ad-hoc network multi-channels assignment mimc-road fix-switch vanetrnobisim ns2
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