
护理组长在实施集束干预策略预防ICU综合征中的作用 被引量:15

Narsing group leader in the implementation of cluster of intervention strategies for prevention of ICU comprehensive diagnosis
摘要 目的:通过介绍ICU护理组长在实施集束干预策略预防ICU综合征中的作用,探讨预防ICU综合征的专业化护理。方法:在制订和实施集束干预策略预防ICU综合征的基础上,成立由护理组长组成的质量控制小组,通过学习、培训、应用和质量控制等职能的实施,成为预防ICU综合征的组织保障,比较在护理组长监控下实施集束干预组与未在护理组长监控下的对照组,ICU综合征的发生率。结果:护理组长参与的集束化干预组ICU综合征发生率明显低于对照组,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:集束干预策略作为主动预防措施比传统的被动预防具有针对性和有效性,而护理组长能促使集束化干预措施实施到位,进而有效降低ICU综合征的并发症。 Tbe effect of 1CU nursing group director in the implementation of cluster intervention strategies to prevent ICU syndrome Sheng Xiaomin , Gan xitmi, zhang Chuanlal, Li DongxueAbstract Objective To explore the effect of ICU nursing group director in the implementation of cluster intervention strategies to prevent ICU syndrome and professional nursing care for patients with ICU syndrome. Methods Based on the development and implementation of cluster intervention strategies to prevent ICU syndrome, we organized quality control group leaded by nursing group director and provided for ICU syndrome prevention through learning, training, application and quality control on the functions to achieve. To canlpare the incidence of ICU syndrome. Results Cluster intervention strategies group lowered the incidence of confusion in the studied than the Control group. Conclusion Cluster intervention strategies as a proactive prevention measure was more passive and effective than the traditional prevention. The nursing quality of ICU syndrome prevention had improved by the professional nursing care of nursing group director.
出处 《激光杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期112-113,共2页 Laser Journal
基金 2012年重庆市卫生局医学科研计划基金项目(项目编号:2012-2-071)
关键词 ICU综合征 集束化干预 护理组长 ICU syndrome Bundles of Care Nursing group director
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