
二级轴辐式零担物流网络设计的资源均衡利用问题 被引量:11

Resource Balanced Usage Problem for Bi-level Hub-and-spoke LTL Logistics Network Design
摘要 针对确定性OD流需求的零担物流网络设计方案往往导致网络资源非均衡利用问题,分析了零担物流节点之间OD流不确定性特点与不确定OD流需求的物流网络设计难点,结合库存理论,建立了不确定OD流需求的物流网络混合整数规划模型。通过实例说明,综合考虑优化运输营运建设成本与网络资源利用率进行不确定OD流需求的物流网络设计,相比只考虑最小化运输营运建设成本的网络具有明显的网络资源均衡利用优势。对于不可预测OD流需求情况下如何调整物流网络结构以实现网络资源均衡利用具有参考价值。 To cope with the problem that the less-than-truckload (LTL) logistics network design for the certain Origin-Destination (OD) flow demand often leads to an unbalanced use of network resources, the characteristics of the uncertainty of OD flow among LTL logistics nodes and the network design difficuhie,, brought about by the uncertain OD demand flow in LTL logistics system are analyzed, and a mixed integer programming model is established to adapt to the uncertain OD demand flow based on inventory theory. The examples demonstrate that (1) the design of logistics network with uncertain OD demand flow by optimizing the cost of transport and construction of the network as well as the utilization rate of network sourcet comprehensively has an obvious advantage in a balanced usage of network resources over the one onl,. considering minimizing the cost of transport and construction of the network; (2) the result is valuable to adjust the structure of logistics network to achieve a balanced use of network resources in the case o uncertainty OD demand flow.
出处 《公路交通科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期124-131,共8页 Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71101088 60904076) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(11&ZD169) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2011M500077) 教育部人文社会科学项目(10YJC630087) 教育部博士点基金项目(20113121120002)
关键词 运输经济 库存理论 均衡利用 零担物流网络 不确定性需求 混合整数规划 transport economics inventory theory balanced utilization less-than-truckload network uncertainty of demand mixed integer programming
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