为了证实带穗玉米青贮饲养育成奶牛的效果,采样分析了带穗玉米青贮和玉米秸秆青贮的营养成分,并且以 26头 6~ 9月龄的荷斯坦育成牛进行了 40d的配对饲养试验。结果表明:带穗玉米青贮的粗蛋白质和磷含量均高于玉米秸秆青贮,饲喂带穗玉米青贮的试验组牛的日粮营养平衡情况优于饲喂玉米秸秆青贮的对照组牛,试验组牛和对照组牛的日增重分别为 1192.5和 995.0g,日增重水平提高 19.85%,增重效益提高 21.02%。
In order to proving the feeding effects of corn silage to heifers,the nutrients of corn silage and corn stalk silage were analysed.26 Holstein heifers at the age of 7.5 months were divided into control and experimental group randomly to carry out a feeding trial.The results showed that the Crude Protein and P levels silage were higher than that of corn stalk silage.With supplying of concentrate,the heifers fed with corn silage were easier to get nutritive balance than that of corn silage.The daily gains of experimental and control group were 1192.5 and 995.0g/d respectively,the daily gain increased by 19.85% ,the profit increased by 21.05% .
China Dairy Cattle