
细菌性阴道病对妊娠结局影响的机制研究进展 被引量:3

Research progress of mechanisms of bacterial vaginosis on pregnancy outcomes
摘要 细菌性阴道病是育龄期妇女最常见的下生殖道感染性疾病,从1983年AMSEL临床评价开始对细菌性阴道病进行了大量研究,但至今仍然病因不明。大量资料显示妊娠期细菌性阴道病可能导致不良妊娠结局,如早产、胎膜早破、流产、低体重儿等,一直是研究的热点。近年来,人们不断在各自研究领域对妊娠期细菌性阴道病进行研究,有了更多新的发现。以下综述了细胞因子、基因、唾液酸酶在细菌性阴道病引起不良妊娠结局中的作用。 Bacterial vaginosis is the most common lower genital tract infection disease in women of child-beating age, which is still of unknown etiology although lots of researches have been done from AMSEL clinical evaluation since 1983. A large number of data sug- gests that gestational bacterial vaginosis may lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth, premature rupture of membranes, miscarriage, low birth weight and so on, which is a research hotspot. In recent years, people are constantly in their respective fields study on gestational bacterial vaginal disease and have made more new discoveries. This article reviews the effects of cytokines, genes, and sial- idase on adverse pregnancy outcomes caused by bacterial vaginosis.
作者 孙凤 熊正爱
出处 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2013年第3期365-367,共3页 Chinese Journal of Microecology
关键词 妊娠 细菌性阴道病 细胞因子 基因 唾液酸酶 Pregnancy Bacterial vaginosis Cytokine gene Sialidase
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