
空间偏向成因研究:理论解释与前景展望 被引量:4

The Causes of Spatial Bias:Theoretical Elucidation and Prospect for a New Understanding
摘要 空间偏向意指人们在注意刺激物时普遍具有方向上的偏好。对其成因,目前主要存在"大脑说"和"文化说"两派观点。前者认为大脑的不对称性是决定因素,而后者则认为阅读和书写习惯等文化因素是主要成因。本文在综述空间偏向研究后指出,以上两派学说在解释力上各有得失,但并非完全对立,将二者结合起来的"大脑-文化说"才能更好地解释空间偏向现象。 People often exhibit a directional preference when they pay attention to the stimulus. This preference has been called the spatial bias effect. Two views have been put forward to account for the causes of spatial bias: the brain hypothesis and the cultural hypothesis. The brain hypothesis holds that the asymmetry of the brain accounts for spatial bias. The cultural hypothesis suggests that factors such as reading and writing habits are the main causes of spatial bias. Based on a comprehensive review of the literature, this paper proposes that the two views have advantages and disadvantages in explanatory power. By combining the two views, a brain-culture hypothesis is proposed that may better elucidate the spatial bias phenomenon.
作者 李恒
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期637-642,共6页 Advances in Psychological Science
关键词 空间偏向 大脑说 文化说 spatial bias brain hypothesis culture hypothesis
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