
有效学习的三个易控变量:间隔、顺序与提取练习 被引量:6

Three Easy-to-Operate Variables of Efficient Learning:Interval,Sequence and Retrieval Practice
摘要 近年来认知科学领域关于学习问题的研究颇为关注重新探索如何在教育实践中帮助学生找到可操控性强的有效学习策略,真正实现有效学习。三项经典研究的进展体现了这一研究趋势:一是学习时间间隔的动态分配,相比较于传统的学习时段分配,适当扩大各学习时段的时间间隔可使学习结果的保持更为长期有效(学习间隔时间控制在测试间隔时间的5%-10%左右是最佳的);二是不同学习事件的交错式安排,相对于批量式安排,学习事件的交错式安排可极大提升学习效果。三是提取练习对知识识记的作用,研究发现提取练习相比较于其它学习事件(编码)可更为有效地促进学习。尤为值得注意的是,三方面有关研究均发现,学习者所觉知的许多学习策略很可能是次优的甚至是低效的,对其加以纠正将有助于实现有效学习。 Recently many cognitive psychologists focused on how to use the findings from cognitive science to educational practice, especially the relationship between the arrangement of learning and memory and learning efficiency. The authors reviewed three research topics which highly concerned human learning and called into question important aspects fective show that of common instructional practices. (1) A renewed effort to learn why distributed learning is efenlarging the interval between learning sessions to some appropriate extent can promote the long-term performance of learning. (2) Compared with blocked learning, interleaving different learning events is a more effective way to improve learning. (3) Findings about testing effect indicated that tests could enhance later retention more than additional study of the material, even when tests are given without feedback. One noticeable issue revealed among these three topics is that, most learning strategies used by students are not most effective or even inefficient, worse still, they're difficult to realize the problem. Scientifically applying these findings to education practice should be able to improve students' learning efficiency.
作者 张锦坤 连榕
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2013年第2期276-281,共6页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(09YJCXLX002) 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划 福建师范大学优秀青年骨干教师培养对象资助项目的资助
关键词 记忆 元认知 学习策略 有效学习 memory, meta-cognition, learning strategy, efficient learning.
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