This study was to compare the efficaeies of by different position saddle block anesthesia with low-dose of 0.5 ~/0 levobupivacaine hydrochloride used in the operation for anorectal diseases. The 200 cases to be subjected to the operation for anorectal diseases were radomly divided into group A,B,100 cases for each;both groups all received 0.5~ levobupivacaine hydrochloride injection (0.8ml,i. e 4 mg) and ephed- rine(3-5 rag) ,but in group A,by conventional "seat position",i, e at lateral or seat position to stab and in- ject anesthesia agents in L3-4 or L4 5, for 10-15 min, then to change as flat decubitus position, while in group B,at the position of "head high and feet low",i, e at lateral position to stab in L3-4 or L4-5,after completely stab,at the "head high and feet low" posture(10^-15~) to inject agents,after end of injection,the position was changed as flat decubitus position;Then,the time from the end of injection to operation-field disinfection;the changes such as blood pressure,heart rate and lower limbs neuroblocked at perioperation, and postoperative complications,etc, were all recorded and compared with both groups. As resuhs,in both groups saddle block anesthesia was successful,and operation was smoothly completed; within anesthesia and operation blood pressure and heart rate did all have no significant changes( P )0.05),also,no lower limb neuroblocked;But,in group A after the end of injection patients needed to at seat position for 10- 15rain the operation could when be at begining, while in group B after the end of injection the operation could be at once;in addition,during wait at seat position 5 cases of group A suffered from postural hypo- tension,and relieved just changed as flat decubitus position,and within 48 hrs after operation in 14 cases of group A occured headache, while in 2 cases of group B, only. Results show that the posture adapted by group B to perform 0.5 ~ levobupivacaine anesthesis used in the operation for anorectal diseases is safe and feasible,of satisfactory outcome,can significantly shorter the wait time from the end of injection to opera tion begining,so that to prevent from position hypotension occured during waiting after seat position saddle block anesthesia,to reduce postoeprative complication induced by anesthesia,thus it is of better anesthesis method.
Chinese Journal of Coloproctology
Levo bupivacaine hydrochloride
Saddle block anesthesia
Seat position
Head high and feet
Anorectal disease