
网络嵌入性对会展企业经营的影响 被引量:1

Impact of Social Network Embeddedness on Exhibition Business
摘要 以Granovetter关于网络嵌入性的关系嵌入性和结构嵌入性理论为基础,结合中国国际投资贸易洽谈会、海峡西岸汽车博览会和中国进出口商品交易会三个著名展会的案例分析,探讨关系嵌入性的强关系和弱关系、结构嵌入的高密度网络和低密度网络对会展业经营的影响。指出会展企业应从嵌入的网络中获取知识与能力,以提升企业核心竞争力;同时政府、行业协会和媒体等相关嵌入的网络应为会展企业的发展提供支持。 Abstract: Based on Granovetter's relational embeddedness and structural embeddedness in his theory of network embeddedness, we explored the impact of strong/weak ties and high-density/low-density network on exhibition business from the case studies of three famous exhibitions of China International Fair for Investment & Trade, Haixit Auto Expo and China Import & Export Fair. The results show that exhibition business can build up core competitiveness by knowledge and competence acquired from embedded networks and the embedded networks of the government, trade associations and media should provide support.
作者 陈秋英 张莉
出处 《厦门理工学院学报》 2013年第1期85-89,共5页 Journal of Xiamen University of Technology
基金 福建省软科学基金项目(2012R0089) 福建省教育科学"十二五"规划课题(FJCGGJ12-010) 厦门理工学院创新创业教育改革与建设项目(JGCX201110)
关键词 网络嵌入性 会展企业 关系嵌入性 结构嵌入性 Key words: network embeddedness exhibition business relational embeddedness structuralembeddedness
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