
协商、周旋、博弈:乡镇治理转型中的减让履行现象分析——以一次征收计划生育抚养费过程为个案 被引量:2

Negotiation,Equivocation and Gaming:an Analysis on the Phenomenon of Reduction or Concession in Performance of Obligation in the Transformation of Township Governance:based on a Case of Collec tion of Family-planning Social Fostering Fee
摘要 向政策外生育者征收社会抚养费是基层计划生育工作的一项重要内容。本文的小镇政府既要接受上级严格的计划生育工作考核,又要在以人为本和依法行政的要求下,改变过去"粗暴"的执法方式,实现工作方法的文明化转型。但目前计划生育工作转型尚不成功。一方面,对于依法行政和禁止强制的要求,基层干部心存抱怨;另一方面,征收相对人洞悉并利用时下政府执法方式所受到的限制,并以此视作干部的"软肋",与其讨价还价,直至迫使干部因考核压力而不得不妥协,同意并协助相对人减免履行义务。最后的结果是,执法者以大幅度消减义务为条件换取相对人及时履行的承诺,确保形式上执法到位和应对上级考核。计划生育工作的转型困境也体现在乡镇政府转型的过程中,表现为以"行政包干"为特征的干部考核制度阻碍了基层政府工作方式的转型;基层干部执法观念尚未转变以及部分民众对转型不予配合,也为基层政府转型带来了实质困难。 It is an important task of grassroots family planning workers to collecting social fostering fee from the couples who have a child outside family planning policy.In this article,township government not only has to accept the strict family planning performance appraisal conducted by the governments of higher levels but also to achieve the civilized transformation of working methods under the requirements of being'peo ple-oriented'and'administration according to law',getting rid of rude enforcement approaches.Howev er,many cases indicate that the existing family planning transformation is far from successful.On the one hand,grassroots cadres complain about the requirements of administration according to law and rude en forcement prohibition.On the other hand,the ones that have an obligation to pay a social fostering fee thoroughly understand the existing enforcement approach of the government and utilize the limitation of the approach as a weakness of cadres to bargain with cadres,who,under the pressure of the above-men tion appraisal,are forced to compromise and help them reduce or avoid the obligation of paying a social fostering fee.As a result,the executors,at the expense of significantly reducing their obligations,achieve the payers’commitment to timely performance of their obligation,ensure the adequate enforcement for the form only and successfully cope with the appraisal conducted by the governments of higher levels.This article believes that the difficulties in the family planning transformation are also reflected in the transformation process of township government as the cadre appraisal system featured by'full administra tion responsibility'hinders the transformation of grassroots government.Meanwhile,some cadres haven’t changed their mind about law enforcement and a significant minority of people shows little cooperation in family planning,which also constitutes a substantial barrier to the transformation of grassroots government.
作者 张丽琴 唐鸣
出处 《社会工作》 2013年第1期122-129,155,共8页 Journal of Social Work
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