
Design of ILIDS configurations for droplet characterization 被引量:2

Design of ILIDS configurations for droplet characterization
摘要 Using an original numerical simulator of ILIDS images, we propose and discuss the performances of dif-ferent ILIDS configurations for microscopy, volumic 3D droplet characterization, and fringe frequency calibrations. This exact simulator offers important perspectives in the realization of complete ILIDS instruments and for in situ measurements. Using an original numerical simulator of ILIDS images, we propose and discuss the performances of dif-ferent ILIDS configurations for microscopy, volumic 3D droplet characterization, and fringe frequency calibrations. This exact simulator offers important perspectives in the realization of complete ILIDS instruments and for in situ measurements.
出处 《Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期148-157,共10页 颗粒学报(英文版)
关键词 lnterferometric laser imaging for droplet SIZING ABCD transfer matrices lnterferometric laser imaging for droplet sizing ABCD transfer matrices
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