
Discussing Young Adult Literature in Norway. Interdisciplinary Comments Inspired by Modern Theory

Discussing Young Adult Literature in Norway. Interdisciplinary Comments Inspired by Modern Theory
摘要 Young adult and children's literature from Norway (Scandinavia) is often considered to be among the world's leading in the genre. This has taken place in a period of rapid cultural modernization. This article will discuss Norwegian young adult and children's literature from the perspective of social and cultural theory. The paper will go beyond the strictly aesthetic field and discuss young adult and children's literature from the perspectives of three internally related, though different continental modern theories, two of them left Hegelian. One of the great names of this school of theory of socialization is Thomas Ziehe, German theorist of "Sozialisationstheorie", Ziehe gives some clues for a new description of the implied readers inscribed in this literature. Axel Honneth is another theorist who has implications for general humaniora. His theory of recognition, fruitful for social sciences, may also give a clue for a metatheory of literature. Young adult and children's literature is also subject to changes of simulacric order and of the cultural disorder of the age of extremes, as Jean Baudrillard wrote about in his book The Transparency of Evil.
机构地区 University of TromsФ
出处 《Sociology Study》 2012年第11期834-847,共14页
关键词 Post-juvenile implied readers lack of recognition liberated childhood 文学作品 挪威 现代理论 青少年 跨学科 评论 灵感 斯堪的纳维亚
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  • 1Bache-Wiig, H. 1997. Nye Veier til Barneboka (New Approaches to Children's Books). Oslo: Landslaget for Norskundervisning/Cappelen Akademisk Forlag.
  • 2Baudrillard, J. 1993. La Transparence du Mal: Essai sur les Phonomenes Extremes (The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena). London/New York: Verso.
  • 3Bloom, H. 2001. Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children. New York: Scribner.
  • 4Blume, S. 2005. Texte Ohne Grenzen fur Leser Jeden Alters. Zur Neustrukturierung des Jugendliteraturbegriffs in der Literarisehen Postmoderne (Texts Without Limits for Readers of Different Age. Introduction to the Restructuring of the Concept of Literature for Young People in Literary Postmodernity). Freiburg: Rombach.
  • 5Bourdieu, P. 1993. The Field of Cultural Production; Essays on Art and Literature, Edited and introduced by Randal Johnson. Cambride: Polity Press.
  • 6Bourdieu, P. 1997. "Das Literarische Feld" (The Field of Literature). Pp. 33-147 in Streifziige Durch das Literarische Feld (Forays Through the FieM of Literature), edited by L. Pinto and F. Schultheis. Konstanz.
  • 7Ewers, Hans-Heino. 2000. Literatur fur Kinder und Jugendliche: Eine Einfuhrung in Grundlegende Aspekte des Handlungs- und Symbolsystems Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (Literature for Children and Young People." An Introduction into Fundamental Aspects of Systems of Symbolies and Action of Children's and Young People's Literature). Stuttgart: UTB.
  • 8Harstad, J. 2009. Darlah." 172 Timer pa Manen. Oslo: Cappelen Damm. English translation 2012 by Tara Chape: 172 Hours on the Moon. New York: Little Brown.
  • 9Hawthorne, J. 1996. Cunning Passages. New Historieism, Cultural Materialism and Marxism in the Contemporary Literary Debate. London: Arnold.
  • 10Honneth, A. 1995. The Struggle for Recognition." The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Polity Press.








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