
A Statistical Analysis of the Modulus of Elasticity and Compressive Strength of Concrete C45/55 for Pre-stressed Precast Beams 被引量:2

A Statistical Analysis of the Modulus of Elasticity and Compressive Strength of Concrete C45/55 for Pre-stressed Precast Beams
摘要 Random behavior of concrete C45/55 XF2 used for prefabricated pre-stressed bridge beams is described on the basis of evaluating a vast set of measurements. A detailed statistical analysis is carried out on 133 test results of cylinders 150 ~ 300 mm in size. The tests have been running in laboratories of the Klokner Institute. A single worker took all specimens throughout the period, and the subsequent measurements of the static modulus of elasticity and the compressive strength of the concrete were performed. The measurements were made at the age of 28 days after specimens casting, and only one testing machine with the same capping method was used. Suitable theoretical models of division are determined on the basis of tests in good congruence, with the use of Z2 and the Bernstein criterion. A set of concrete compressive strength (carried out on 133 test results of cylinders 150 ~ 300 mm after test of static modulus of elasticity) shows relatively high skewness in this specific case. This cause that limited beta distribution is better than generally recommended theoretical distribution for strength the normal or lognormal. The modulus of elasticity is not significantly affected due to skewness because the design value is based on mean value.
机构地区 Klokner Institute
出处 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第11期1571-1576,共6页 土木工程与建筑(英文版)
关键词 Concrete compression strength modulus of elasticity prefabricated pre-stressed bridge beams goodness-of-fit test statistical assessment. 混凝土抗压强度 静弹性模量 预应力桥梁 统计分析 预制梁 静态测量 对数正态分布 beta分布
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