
C-band 6-bit phase shifter for a phase array antenna 被引量:2

C-band 6-bit phase shifter for a phase array antenna
摘要 A C-band 6-bit digital phase shifter is presented. The phase shifter is based on the synthetic design of a high-pass/low-pass network and the all-pass network. The series scatter restrain method is also discussed. The phase shifter is fabricated in 0.25/zm GaAs PHEMT technology and developed for C-band phased arrays, and the relative phase shift varies from 0 to 360 in step of 5.625°. The phase shifter, with a chip size of 4 × 1.95 mm2, has achieved an insertion loss better than 6.4 dB, RMS phase error of less than 1.73°, and an input and output VSWR less than 1.6 at all conditions. A C-band 6-bit digital phase shifter is presented. The phase shifter is based on the synthetic design of a high-pass/low-pass network and the all-pass network. The series scatter restrain method is also discussed. The phase shifter is fabricated in 0.25/zm GaAs PHEMT technology and developed for C-band phased arrays, and the relative phase shift varies from 0 to 360 in step of 5.625°. The phase shifter, with a chip size of 4 × 1.95 mm2, has achieved an insertion loss better than 6.4 dB, RMS phase error of less than 1.73°, and an input and output VSWR less than 1.6 at all conditions.
出处 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期112-115,共4页 半导体学报(英文版)
关键词 MMIC high-pass/low-pass network all-pass network series scatter restrain MMIC high-pass/low-pass network all-pass network series scatter restrain
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