
LR-WPAN Mesh网络双重能效优化设计 被引量:2

Double Energy Efficient Optimization Design for LR-WPAN Mesh Network
摘要 针对IEEE 802.15.5低速无线个域网(LR-WPAN)标准缺乏能效均衡设计的问题,提出LR-WPAN Mesh网络双重能效优化方法。在自适应树建立和拓扑引导分布式链路状态路由环节中引入合理的能效评估要素,优化拓扑结构和路由选择。实验结果表明,双重能效优化方法可使网络寿命延长97%,并使网络的能耗更加均衡。 Since IEEE 802.15.5 Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network(LR-WPAN) standards lack load balancing design, a double energy efficient optimization method is proposed for LR-WPAN Mesh network and reasonable judge elements of energy efficiency is introduced for Adaptive Tree(AT) and Topology-guided Distributed Link State(TDLS) router of LR-WPAN Mesh network to optimize the topology and router choice. Experimental results show that the double energy efficient optimization method can prolong the network lifetime by about 97% and make the consumption of the network more balance.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2013年第4期123-127,共5页 Computer Engineering
基金 上海市科学技术委员会基金资助项目(08706201000 08700741000) 上海市教委重点学科基金资助项目(J50104)
关键词 低速无线个域网 树状拓扑 网状拓扑 能效优化 负载均衡 链路质量指标 Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network(LR-WPAN) tree topology mesh topology energy efficient optimization load balancing Link Quality Indicator(LQI)
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