
苯醚甲环唑对大型溞的毒理学研究 被引量:3

A Study on Toxicity of Difenoconazle to Daphnia magnaStraus
摘要 通过苯醚甲环唑对大型溞的急性毒性和两代14d慢性毒性试验,观测大型溞的存活率、生长速度、产卵量、产卵时间、子代大型溞的恢复试验等生物学指标,建立毒物剂量—反应关系以及低浓度暴露状态下生物参数与生化指标的关系,寻找敏感性毒性指标。结果表明,苯醚甲环唑对大型溞的产卵量、产卵时间以及卵的孵化量有明显抑制作用,各项指标的敏感性顺序为幼溞数>第三次产卵数>胎数>第一次产卵时间>第一次产卵数>脱皮次数>体长;子代恢复试验显示,存活下来的后代虽然有一定的恢复,但较高浓度暴露组的一些敏感指标如产卵量和产卵时间等与对照组相比差异仍显著,其中受影响比较严重的指标是第三次产卵时间、第三次产卵数和幼溞数等。第一胎F1(1st)和第三胎F1(3rd)恢复试验中,未发现死亡溞、雄溞和冬卵现象。 The main objective of this research was to analyze the effects of difenoconazle on acute toxicity of Daphnia magna Straus and chronic toxicity of two generations 14 d and to observe the biological indica- tors of survival rate, growth velocity, spawning rate, spawning time and recovery test of offspring Daphnia rnagna Straus,and to establish the relationships between reactional relations of toxi dose and biological pa- rameters and biochemical indicators at a state of low-concentration expoxed and find sensitive toxicity indi- cators. The results indicated that difenoconazle had the significant inhibitory action on spawning rate, spawning time and hatchability rate of eggs. The order of different sensitive indicators were as follows.im- mature fless number^fetus number^the first spawning time^exuvial number^the body length^The off- spring recovery test showed that in the offsping recovery test,although survived generations have been re- covered to a certain degree,some sensitive indicators such as spawning rate and spawning time of the ex- posed group with higher concentration were significantly different from that of the control group. The first fetus FI (lst) and the third fetus F1 (3rd)recovery test did not find dead flea and male flea and winter egg phenomenon.
出处 《新疆农业大学学报》 CAS 2013年第1期21-25,共5页 Journal of Xinjiang Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(20707038)
关键词 苯醚甲环唑 大型溞 急性毒性 慢性毒性 difenoconazole Daphnia magna Straus acute toxicity chronic toxicity
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