
可见植入荧光标记和编码金属标对达乌尔鳇标志效果的初步研究 被引量:13

Primary study on tag performance of Kaluga sturgeon(Huso dauricus) tagged with visible implant elastomer and coded wire tag
摘要 2011年9月底至2012年5月,采用可见植入荧光标记(VIE)和编码金属标(CWT)标志全长为(28.06±1.79)cm的达乌尔鳇(Huso dauricus),检验了VIE和CWT的标志保持率及其对达乌尔鳇生长和存活的影响。结果显示,经过210 d实验,VIE标志达乌尔鳇吻部腹面,CWT标志达乌尔鳇背部前(第1~2块背骨板间下方肌肉)、中(第6~7块后背骨板间下方肌肉)、后(第11~12块背骨板间下方肌肉)的标志保持率分别为:95.83%、92.00%、92.59%、92.59%。实验中VIE出现破碎、脱落或迁移致使标志可识别性下降;CWT背部中这一标志部位操作最为简便。标志30 d,VIE标志组的保持率较CWT背部不同部位标志组及对照组低,且差异显著(P<0.05),此后31~210 d并无显著性差异。VIE和CWT背部不同部位标志对达乌尔鳇的生长无显著性差异。结果表明,VIE和CWT均可用于标志达乌尔鳇。进行短期大规模达乌尔鳇的标志放流可使用成本相对较低的VIE标志。 Visible implant elastomer tag (VIE) and coded wire tag (CWT) were used to tag Huso dauricus (total length 28.06 ± 1.79 cm) to study the tag retention and the effect of VIE and CWT on the growth and survival of H. dauricus from September 2011 to May 2012. The resuXts showed that the tag retention of VIE was 95.83%, the tag retention rates of CWTwere 92. 00% , 92. 59% and 92. 59% , for the front of the dorsal, the middle of the dorsal and the back of the dorsal re- spectively. The VIE sometimes had a tendency to made VIE present poor visibility ; the middle of the dorsal turned to be the most easy and simple position to handle H. dauricus to tag CWT. After 30 d, the survival rate of VIE was lower than the CWT groups and control group (P 〈0. 05), but there were no significant differences in all groups during 31 -210 d (P 〉 0. 05). There was no significantly different effect on growth of H. dauricus in all treatments during the experiment. These re- sults confirmed that the two marking methods were both feasible for tagging H. dauricus. VIE could be a better choose in short term tagging and releasing because of the lower cost compared with CWT.
出处 《淡水渔业》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期43-47,共5页 Freshwater Fisheries
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(200903048-02) 中国长江三峡集团公司科研项目(0701979) 农业财政项目 农业部渔业局项目
关键词 达乌尔鳇(Huso dauricus) 可见植入荧光标记(VIE) 编码金属标(CWT) Kaluga sturgeon (Huso dauricus) visible implant elastomer tag (VIE) coded wire tag (CWT)
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