
应用蒙特卡罗方法模拟诊断X射线机 被引量:2

Simulation of diagnostic X-ray machine with Monte Carlo
摘要 目的:应用蒙特卡罗程序模拟诊断X射线机运行过程,获得其输出参数。方法:采用Geant4程序构建诊断X射线模型,得到不同管电压下的X射线能谱,利用能谱计算相应的平均能量,应用Geant4模拟相应能谱的有效能量,利用有效能量计算出标准位置的空气比释动能率值,应用试验测量的空气比释动能率验证计算值。结果:通过对比应用蒙特卡罗方法计算的空气比释动能率值和实验值,发现两者误差最大在7%,两值基本一致。结论:应用蒙特卡罗方法可以模拟诊断X射线机的管电压能谱、平均能量、有效能量和空气比释动能率值。[关键词]蒙特卡罗Geant4;空气比释动能;有效能量;平均能量; [Abstract] Objective: To simulate diagnostic X-ray machine's work with Monte Carlo for the output parameters. Methods: The model of diagnostic X-ray machine was built with Geant4 program to get the energy spectrums for the different Tube voltages with the program. Then the effective energy of energy spectrum was obtained and the air kerma rate in standard position was calculated. Results: Both values were basically the same. Conclusion: The Monte Carlo can be used to simulate diagnostic X-ray machine's work to get energy spectrums, average energy and air kerma. [Key words] Monte Carlo Geant4; Air kerma; Effective energy; Average energy; X-ray
出处 《中国医学装备》 2013年第4期18-20,共3页 China Medical Equipment
基金 卫生部卫生行业科研专项项目(201002009) 中国疾控中心辐射安全所青年科学研究所长基金资助"虚拟X射线机模型研究"
关键词 蒙特卡罗方法 诊断X射线机 应用 模拟 空气比释动能率 X射线能谱 诊断X射线机 平均能量 Monte Carlo Geant4 Air kerma Effective energy Average energy X-ray
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