用不同草地管理措施的组合 V2(刈割、V3(刈割+施肥、V4(刈割+施肥+补播,控制以红三叶Trifolium pratense)、白三叶(Trifolium repens)为主的退化草地上的大量根茎型菊科蒿属(Artemisia)、香青属(Anaphalis)、火绒草属(Leontopodium)杂草及其它杂类草取得显著效果。试验证明,菊科杂草密度与刈割次数呈极显著负相关,单纯刈割即可迅速降低并有效控制草地上的菊科杂草密度及相对产量,但难以同时提高优良牧草产量;刈割+施肥措施后则不仅可更迅速、更有效地控制杂草,还可提高草群中原有优良牧草的产量;刈割+施肥+补播措施后,则控制杂草效果显著,提高优良牧草产量的作用明显,且可调整混播组分,提高群落稳定性。
Using different measures of grassland management V2(cutting),V3(cutting+apply fertilizer), and V4(cutting+apply fertilizer+resowing)to control a great quantity of weeds of(Artemisia L), (Anaphalis DC),(leontopodium R.Br)on the degenerated grasslands,which mainly grow Trifolium Pratense L.and Trifolium repens L.great progress has been made.The experiment shows that density of weeds has a bearing on the cutting times.Cutting can rapidly reduce and control the density of weeds,but it is difficult to increase the production of forages at the same time.Using treatment V3(cutting+apply fertilizer)the weeds were controlled rapidly and more effectively and the production of forages was also increased;By using V4(cutting+apply fertilizer+resowing)the best result of both weed control and increased forage production was achieved.The combination of treatments in V4 also improved the stability of the pasture plant community.
Pratacultural Science