积极推进素质教育是高等学校贯彻落实第三次全国教育工作会议精神、实施科教兴国的实际行动。高校教育工作者必须提高认识 ,树立开放的素质教育观并着力做好确定本校素质教育的目标体系 ,构建新的人才培养模式 ,改革专业课程体系 ,强化创新精神和实践能力的培养 ,加强学生政治思想品德、科学文化、美学和身心健康教育等项重点工作。
Positively advancing quality education is a practical action carried out by institutions of higher learning to fulfill the spirits of the third National Education Conference and realize rejuvenation through science and education. The teaching personnel involved in institutions of higher learning have to make efforts to define the system of their own institution's aims for overall education; establish a new model for training the qualified personnel; reform the course system of professional training; strengthen the training of creative thoughts and practical competence; pay attention to such important tasks as students' ideological, moral, scientific, cultural, aesthetic and mind-and-body healthy education.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences