于2005年9月正式批准立项制定的RFID IS018000国家标准,加快和推进了具有自主知识产权并与国际兼容的RFID技术(射频识别技术)的发展,现广泛用于工业自动化、商业自动化、现代物流、交通运输控制管理及换发的第二代居民身份证等众多领域,同时也为图书管理数字化带采飞越性的革命。本文基于上述背景,介绍了RFID的技术内涵,阐述其应用于图书管理数字化的基本原理,并分析现状与制约因素,以期大家对相关知识有一个详细了解。
The standard of RFID ISO18000 has been proved in Sep. 2005, and it has been implied into the industry atomization, business atomization, modern logistics, transportation control manage- ment, ID card, ere"'. Meanwhile it has brought revolution for library management digital. Based on the above background, this paper introduces its content, expresses the basis and analyzes its present situation and factors so as to make a better understanding of it.