
机载干涉SAR区域网三维定位算法 被引量:3

Joint Three-dimensional Location Algorithm for Airborne Interferometric SAR System
摘要 区域网3维定位是指同时获取多个干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)场景中各像素点的北向、东向和高程向的地理坐标。联合定标是区域网3维定位的关键环节,能够保证3维位置精度和相邻场景间的位置衔接性,并且能够在稀少控制点的条件下实现大区域多场景的3维定位。该文提出一种适用于机载InSAR系统的联合定标算法,该算法对多个场景的3维位置同时定标。该算法利用最优化模型实现联合定标,并且在最优化模型中引入了权值,从而顾及到了不同质量、不同分布的控制点、同名点在联合定标中的权重差异。机载InSAR实测数据的实验结果表明,该算法在3维定位精度和实现过程的简洁度方面均优于传统的联合定标算法。 Joint three-dimensional location algorithms aim to simultaneously obtain the north, east, and height coordinates of each pixel in several adjacent Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) scenes. Joint calibration is a key procedure used to achieve an accurate three-dimensional location. It can ensure the continuity of three-dimensional locations among adjacent scenes, and achieve the location of large areas with few Ground Control Points (GCPs) using Tie points (TPs). In this paper, a new joint calibration algorithm for airborne interferometric SAR that simultaneously calibrates north, east, and height coordinates is proposed. It employs a weighted optimization method to carry out calibration, and introduces weights to calibration to discriminate GCPs and TPs with different coherences and locations. The experimental results for airborne InSAR data show that the three-dimensional location accuracy obtained using the proposed calibration algorithm is better than that obtained using the traditional method.
出处 《雷达学报(中英文)》 CSCD 2013年第1期60-67,共8页 Journal of Radars
基金 国家863计划(2007AA120302) 国家973计划(2009CB724003)资助课题
关键词 合成孔径雷达 干涉 联合定标 3维定位 加权最优化 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometric Joint calibration Three-dimensional location Weighted optimization
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