Let R be a graded ring by a group G. For tile relative rings R, R# G(smash product), Re, Q(R)(quotient ring), R^G(fixed ring), R * G(crossed product) and normal- izing extensions ring S of R, we study the properties of nonsingular, right uniform,right socle. When R_R is a Y J-injective module, we have J(R) = Z(R).
设 R是 G-分次,本文讨论了环 R的相关环 R,R# G, Re, Q(R), R~G, R G及 R的正规化扩张S的非奇异性,右一致性,右基座之间的关系.当R_R是YJ-内射模时,证明了J(R)=Z(R)。