
发展低碳经济的全球合作:矛盾与国际制度创新 被引量:3

Global Cooperation in Developing Low Carbon Economy:Contradiction and International Institutional Innovation
摘要 气候变化及相应的低碳增长问题是一个全球性问题。在发展低碳经济过程中,公平目标与环境目标是主要矛盾。这个主要矛盾关键体现在责任分担上。责任分担意味着减缓气候变化的措施会给经济造成相当大的成本。降低温室气体的收益与成本不一致是制约低碳经济发展的重要因素。在世界范围内从高碳增长到低碳增长转变要形成合作是一个难题。解决这个难题的关键是要重视与低碳经济发展相关的制度回应。国际制度能够影响国家政策,而它们又是各国相互博弈的产物。对发展低碳经济的国际制度进行梳理和分析。 The climate change and corresponding low carbon growth issue is In the process of developing low carbon economy, a fair target with environment contradiction. The key of the main contradiction lies in responsibility sharing, a global problem. target is the main which means that measures in mitigating weather change will take considerable economic costs. The inconsistency of the benefits and costs in reducing greenhouse gas is an important factor restricting the development of low carbon economy. It is difficult to form worldwide cooperation in changing from high carbon growth to low carbon growth. The key to salve the problem is to pay great attention to relative institutional respond in developing low carbon economy. International policy influences the policy of a country, but they are in turn the product of mutual game among countries. The paper reviews and analyzes the international policies in developing low carbon economy.
出处 《云南财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期106-113,共8页 Journal of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"发展低碳经济的制度安排和政策工具研究"(10AJL007) 中南财经政法大学研究生创新教育计划"资源诅咒效应对于转型期经济结构变迁的实效研究"(2012B0201)
关键词 低碳经济 环境 公平 成本与收益 国际制度 Low Carbon Economy Environment Fairness Costs and Benefits International Policy
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