
岩性密度不稳谱故障分析 被引量:1

The fault analysis of lithodensity logging tool of unstable spectrum
摘要 岩性密度测井是测量经过地层散射和吸收环绕井轴方向伽马射线强度的测井方法。岩性密度测井是目前测井作业中重要的测井项目,是气井和油探井的必测项目。岩性密度测井现场作业中最常见的故障是仪器不能稳谱,稳谱因子CFF不能在-0.1≤CFF≤0.1之间的正常范围内,此时获得的测井数据也是不可靠的。文章以LDLT5450岩性密度仪的原理为基础,分类解析仪器不能稳谱的各种故障原因及现象,为快速解决仪器故障问题提供参考。 Litho-density Logging is a technique measuring the gamma rays around the borehole radiation intensity which are scattered and absorbed by the formation.Litho-density Logging is an important logging project in the logging industry presently,and it is a necessary logging project in the gas well and oil exploration well logging.Unstable spectrum is a common problem in the Litho-density field logging,and the element of CFF for stabling spectrum is not in the normal range between-0.1 and 0.1,so the logging datum is unscientific.This paper systematically analyses problems and reasons of the malfunctions of the unstable spectrum,on the basis of the principles of Litho-density Logging tool.The paper is for reference to solve the problems of instrument fault.
出处 《石油仪器》 2013年第1期34-36,8,共3页 Petroleum Instruments
关键词 岩性密度仪 稳谱 测井数据 故障 Litho-density Logging tool spectrum stabilization logging date problem
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