21世纪将是知识经济时代 ,是学习化社会。学习化社会以终身教育体系为支持系统 ,能够充分满足社会知识发展和全民终身学习多样化需求的理想化社会形态。其基本特征 :1 全民参与终身学习。 2 以学习者为主体 ,无任何学习障碍。 3 以建立终身教育体系为基础。 4 具有开放性、发展性。 5 学习者得到自我实现 ,充满成功机会。学习化社会对当今和未来成人高等教育将产生影响 :1 促使政府以及社会各组织加大对成人高等教育的投入 ,并努力使整个社会中的各个组织成为学习型组织。 2 高度重视继续教育和岗位培训。 3 积极推进终身教育体系的建立。 4 充分关注学习者认知和情感互动特点 ,重视学习者能力的培养。 5 充分发挥学习者的主体作用 。
The 21th century is the time of knowledge economy and a study-oriented society,which is sustained by lifelong education system.Such a society is widely regarded as an ideal society pattern,which can meet the needs of the development of social knowledge and lifelong study of the general.The basic characteristics of it are:1.All the people take part in lifelong study;2.Learners are the center of study and there is no study obstacle;3 It's based on lifelong education system;4.It has opening & developing characteristics;5.Learners get self-realization.Such a society will have great influence on adult higher education now and in the future in the following aspects: 1.Promoting government and other social groups to increase the investment for adult higher education and make all the social groups change into study groups;2.Paying full attention to continued education and post training;3.Propelling to estalish lifelong education system;4.Valuing learners' ability training and emotion exchange;5.Learners' initative is aroused.
Journal of Xuchang Teachers College(Social Science Edition)