
2009—2011年广州中医药大学附属骨伤科医院抗菌药物应用分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Utilization of The Antibiotic Use in Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Orthopedics & Traumatology Hospital During 2009-2011
摘要 目的:对2009—2011年我院抗菌药物应用情况进行统计,并分析抗菌药物使用特点和趋势,为临床合理使用和科学管理抗菌药物提供依据。方法:收集2009—2011年我院抗菌药物使用数据,对其销售金额、用药品种、用药频度(DDDs)、抗菌药物使用强度(AUD)等进行回顾性分析。结果:2011年我院抗菌药物销售金额及AUD明显下降;3年来我院口服抗菌药物使用率较高;奥硝唑氯化钠注射液销售金额和使用率均较高。结论:我院抗菌药物的使用趋向合理化,但仍然存在一些问题,主要为抗菌药物品种过多、AUD较高、某些价格昂贵的品种存在过度使用的现象,医院应进一步规范抗菌药物的应用,使抗菌药物的使用更加合理化。 OBJECTIVE:To analyze the status quo, characteristics and trend of the utilization of antibacterials in our hospital during 2009-2011 period so as to provide references for clinical rational use and scientific management of antibiotics. METHODS: The utilization of antibacterials during 2009-2011 period collected from our hospital were retrospectively analyzed with regard to consumption sum, drug variety, DDDs, and antibiotic use density (AUD)etc. RESULTS:The consumption sum and AUD of antibacterial drugs showed sharp decline in 2011. Over the three years, the rate of antibiotic use was on the high side. Both the consumption sum and the application rate of Ornidazole and Sodium Chloride Injection were high. CONCLUSION:The antibiotic use in our hospital became more and more rational yet it is far from perfect such as the drug varieties were excessively high, the AUD of antibiotics was high and some of the expensive antibiotics were used excessively. The antibiotic use should be further standardized in hospital so as to achieve rational use of antibiotics.
出处 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 2013年第3期198-201,共4页 Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
关键词 抗菌药物 销售金额 用药频度 抗菌药物使用强度 Antibiotics Consumption sum DDDs Antibiotic use density
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