
临床药师干预前后围术期抗菌药物应用分析 被引量:13

Analysis of the Perioperative Use of Antibiotics before and after The Intervention by Clinical Pharmacists
摘要 目的:了解临床药师干预围术期应用抗菌药物的效果,为合理用药提供参考。方法:我院临床药师于2011年5月与9月先后2次对围术期用药情况进行干预,以随机抽样法抽取每个季度手术患者病历50份,以《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》为标准,对4个季度围术期抗菌药物使用情况进行统计分析与合理性评价。结果:经过干预,围术期抗菌药物的使用情况有了很大的进步,抗菌药物预防性使用率明显下降,不合理用药情况明显减少。结论:经过2次重点整治,我院围术期抗菌药物使用基本趋于合理,但尚需继续努力,将合理用药进一步规范化、制度化,进一步减轻患者负担,减少细菌耐药性的产生。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the intervention efficacy of clinical pharmacists on perioperative use of antibiotics for reference of rational drug use. METHODS: Clinical pharmacists adopted intervention on perioperative use of antibiotics in May and September of 2011, respectively. 50 medical records of surgical patients were randomly selected quarterly for statistical analysis and evaluation of rationality of antibiotic use in 4 quarters using Guidelines for Clinical Use of Antibacterials as criteria. RESULTS: The intervention resulted in great improvement in perioperative use of antibiotics in that both the rate of perioperative use of antibiotics and the rate of irrational drug use have been significantly reduced. CONCLUSION: After rectification of two times, the perioperative use of antibiotics in hospital has become more and more rational. However, efforts still needed to further standardize and institutionalize the rational use of drugs, so as to reduce patients' burden and reduce the occurrence of bacterial drug resistance.
出处 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 2013年第3期279-282,共4页 Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
关键词 临床药师 围术期 抗菌药物 Ⅰ类切口 药学干预 Clinical pharmacist Peroperative period Antimicrobial agents Type I incision Pharmaceutical intervention
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