
和谐世界的理念与实践——十年来中国对外战略成就及展望 被引量:2

The Idea and Practice of Harmonious World Theory——Reviewing China’s Global Strategy in the First Decade of the New Century
摘要 中国的崛起在新世纪初期大约十年左右时间取得跳跃式进展,成为当今国际体系最令人瞩目的事件。这验证了中共十六大提出的一个重要预见:新世纪的最初二十年是中国发展的战略机遇期,而前十年所取得的成就不但完成了中国国力的基础性积累,而且极大提升了中国在国际体系中的地位,这使得中国对外战略的作用得到领导层的高度重视,相继提出和平发展战略与和谐世界理念,构筑了新世纪初期中国全球战略的主要框架,中国政府据此采取的政策与行动为中国的发展创造了良性的国际环境。至十八大召开,中国的民族复兴战略目标已到即将达成的关键阶段,而前十年所取得的内政和外交成就为这个进程奠定了坚实的基础,同时国际体系中有利于中国发展的因素亦可能下降,不利因素可能上升,这将促使新一届领导层在新的条件下迎接可能更困难的挑战,这也使中国更为迫切需要制定新的更为全面的全球战略。 The rise of China witnessed big achievements in the first decade of the 21st century, which became the most spectacular event in the international system of the time. It proved a significant prediction from the CPC’s Sixteenth Congress that the first two decades could have been the period of strategic opportunity for China’s development. What China achieved during the first decade not only produced fundamental accumulation of Chinese power, but also upgraded China’s status in the international system. That made the Chinese leadership pay enormous attention to the function of China’s external strategy, and the peaceful development strategy,and harmonious world theory were thus made up during the period, which provided a major framework for China’s global strategy. Implementation of the strategy by the Chinese government helped create a favorable international environment for China’s development indeed. Up to the time when the CPC’s Eighteenth Congress was convened, China already entered a critical stage for the realization of the nation’s revitalization, and the progress achieved during the first decade apparently laid strong foundation for this process. In the meantime, what favored China’s development in the past in the international system may be reduced, and unfavorable elements are likely to increase. That will make the new leadership face more severe challenges, and also urge China to work out its global strategy in a more comprehensive way in the years to come.
作者 赵干城
出处 《国际展望》 2013年第2期40-51,83,共13页 Global Review
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