针对国家标准GB 475—2008《商品煤样人工采取方法》和GB/T 19494—2004《煤炭机械化采样》中3种采样精密度核对试验方法,进行详细地研究分析,提出实际可操作性更强的7种试验方法,包括1种多份采样法和6种双份采样法,供煤炭客户在各种不同情况下选择应用,具有很强的实践指导意义。
The three kinds of sampling precision check test methods introduced in the national standards of GB 475--2008 entitled "Method for Manual Sampling of Commercial Coal" and GB/T 19494--2004 entitled "Mechanical Sampling of Coal" are analyzed in detail in this paper. Seven kinds of test methods including one replicate-sampling method and six double-sampling methods, which can be implemented more easily, are proposed. According to the practical situations, the customers can make different choices.
Jiangsu Electrical Engineering