
蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩中的深部矿物:发现与研究进展 被引量:22

Deep Minerals in Ophiolitic Mantle Peridotites: Discovery and Progress
摘要 经典的板块构造理论认为,蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩(大洋地幔橄榄岩)通常来自浅部地幔。近些年在雅鲁藏布江中生代蛇绿岩的多个不同地幔橄榄岩体和俄罗斯极地乌拉尔早古生代的蛇绿岩型铬铁矿中均发现了金刚石等深部矿物,尤其发现了作为矿物包裹体原位产出的金刚石,认为蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩中含有金刚石可能是普遍现象。这些金刚石在碳同位素和矿物包裹体等方面特征相同,而不同于金伯利岩型金刚石和超高压变质带中产出的变质成因金刚石类型,被认为是一种新的金刚石产出类型,命名为蛇绿岩型金刚石。金刚石等深部矿物的发现和确定,表明这些蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩和铬铁矿可能来自深部,需要重新思考上地幔的性质和蛇绿岩的形成条件及板块构造的一些经典理论。 In the classic theory of plate tectonics, ophiolitic mantle peridotites (i. e. , abyssal peridotite) are thought to originate in the shallow mantle beneath ocean spreading centers. Diamonds and other UHP minerals have been found in opholitic mantle peridotites and chromitites along the Neo-Tethyan Yarlung Zangbo suture of southern Ti- bet, and in a Paleozoic ophiolite in the Polar Urals of Russia,suggesting that UHP minerals may be widespread in ophiolitic peridotites. Diamonds from these different localities all have very similar features in C isotope and mineral inclusions,and are distinct from the other two well known types, i.e. kimberlitic diamonds and UHP metamorphic diamonds. The occurrence of diamond in ophiolite indicate a completely new environment for diamond formation, which can be regarded as ophiolite-type diamond. These new findings indicate a need to reconsider the nature of the upper mantle and the conditions under which ophiolites form.
出处 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期159-170,共12页 Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(40930313) 国家行业专项资助(SinoProbe-05-02) 中国地质调查局工作项目资助(1212011121263 1212011121272) 国土资源部公益性行业专项资助(200911043-07)
关键词 金刚石 深部矿物 地幔橄榄岩 蛇绿岩 西藏 diamond deep mineral peridotite ophiolite Tibet
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