
经济新闻软文广告利弊分析及治理对策 被引量:3

Analysis of the Pros and Cons and Countermeasures of Economic News Soft Paper Advertising
摘要 进入市场经济时代以来,扩大广告收入来源已成为媒体生存与发展的不二法门,由此传媒界展开了争夺广告市场份额的激烈竞争,方法层出不穷。"广告性新闻"便是近年来备受追捧的一种营销策略,在都市报的经济新闻部门表现尤为明显。它将经济新闻与软文广告相互渗透融为一体,实际上将广告改头换面当作新闻出售给读者。它往往以资讯、通讯、特别策划、专刊等形式出现在相关版面上。从理论上看,此现象可归因于媒体将受众当作一击就中的"靶子",并设置相关议程,同时满足各种受众心理;从实践上分析,根本原因就在于媒体受利益驱动而进行新闻寻租;另外,企业的青睐、公关事业的渗透以及法律制度存在漏洞等也在推波助澜。该策略让媒体坐收利益的同时也在丧失公信力,让受众获得服务的同时也在沦为广告的"奴仆"。因此,必须在法律法规、媒体自律、受众监督等的共同作用和引导下,促其扬长避短,以健康的方式发展,从而进一步规范媒体发布新闻信息的方式方法,切实保障受众的各项权益。 Since China entered the market economy era, advertising revenues becomes the way of the survival and development of the media, which evokes the striving for advertisers in the media field, making the competition methods emerge in endlessly. In recent years, "advertising news" is a popular marketing strategyw especially in the metropolitan economic news department. It interpenetrates economic news and blind adverting, which actually changes the advertisement into news to the readers. It appears as different forms such as information, newsletter, special report, special issue and so on in the relevant economic news page. Theoretically speaking, this phenomenon is attributable to that the media takes the audience as a single "target", carrying on the agenda settings, and satisfy- ing the psychology of the audience. Practically speaking, the root cause is that the motivation of the media is for more interest by the press rent- seeking. Moreover, the enterprises favor, the penetration of public relations, and the loopholes of the legal system are adding fuel to the fire. This strategy helps the media not only get the profit but also lose credibility, which makes audience also become "enslavement" of advertisements while they receive the service. We don ' t have to force out it completely, but we do need to operate it in an optimum way, adopting the good points and avoiding the shortcomings to make the harm to the audience come to the least point, under the interaction of the legal system, the media self - discipline, and the supervision of the audience.
作者 肖鲁仁 彭湖
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期151-154,共4页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学项目"经济新闻传播效果研究"(11YJA860027)
关键词 经济新闻软文 广告 媒介 受众心理 新闻寻租 economic news of soit - paper advertising medium au^ence psychology news rent - seeking
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