
3维坐标系下的飞行冲突探测算法 被引量:10

Flight Conflict Detection Algorithm Based on the Three Dimensional Coordinate System
摘要 冲突探测是空中交通管理的主要辅助决策工具。针对中国空中交通管理发展过程中面临的飞行冲突问题,提出了3维坐标系下的飞行冲突探测方法。首先根据飞行轨迹的特点提出了按时间整合航路段后求解冲突概率,以提高连续求解冲突概率的效率;其次,算法中考虑了自由飞行中高度层变化的飞行冲突情况。使用MonteCarlo方法进行大量仿真实验,分析了轨迹误差、精度参数对冲突概率值及虚警的影响。实验结果证明了算法的有效性和实用性,具有较好的参考价值。 The conflict detection algorithm based on the three dimensional coordinate system was proposed to treat the flight conflict problems arisen from the development of Air Traffic Control in China.First of all,based on the features of the flight path,the conflict probability was solved after time integrating flight path and the efficiency of continuous solving conflict probability was improved.Then the flight conflict of the change of flight level during free flight in the three dimensional coordinate system was took into consideration.Plenty of experiment was simulated by using the method of Monte Carlo.The feature of track error and precision parameter was analyzed,which shows the effects of the track error and precision parameter on conflict probability and false alarm.The experiment result proved the availability and practicability.
出处 《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期88-93,共6页 Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition)
基金 国家"973"重点基础研究发展计划(2009CB320803)
关键词 空中交通管理 冲突探测 冲突概率 轨迹误差 air traffic management conflict detection conflict probability trajectory error
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