
广州越秀公园内濒危动物扁颅蝠栖息环境的保护 被引量:1

The Protection of Habitat of the Endangered Bats Tylonycteris pachypus in Yuexiu Park,Guangzhou
摘要 为探讨建立小型保护区(围栏)以及人工竹洞对广州市越秀公园内扁颅蝠及其栖息地的保护作用,2009年于园内竹林区建立了约2000m2的铁丝网围栏小型保护区,并且参考扁颅蝠自然竹洞的形态和大小,在保护区围栏内外各开凿20个人工竹洞供其选择栖息。经对该种蝙蝠种群数量及选择各类竹洞居住状况等调查发现,无论保护区内外,还是自然与人工的竹洞,扁颅蝠均会选择利用,说明开凿人工竹洞能为扁颅蝠提供更多的栖息选择。同时,观察数据显示保护区围栏内扁颅蝠栖息竹洞的毁坏程度低于保护区外。鉴于近年来公园内人为活动增加、竹林环境频遭改变破坏等因素出现,因此建立人为干扰更少的扁颅蝠围栏保护区以及打造人工竹洞等保护措施,有利于园内扁颅蝠种群的栖息繁衍。 In order to protect the endangered Tylonycteris pachypus in Guangzhou Yuexiu Park,an approximately 2000 m2 reserve zone surrounded by wire netting was established in 2009.At the same year,20 artificial bamboo holes,of which shape and size were similar to the natural holes,were dug in and outside the reserve zone respectively.After examining the population quantity and the related habitat conditions of T.pachypus in the park,we found that the T.pachypus live in not only natural holes but also the artificial ones,which are found both inside and outside the reserve.It indicates that artificial holes can be important and potential roost restores for T.pachypus of the park.Meantime,our observation shows that the degree of the holes being destroyed in the reserve is lower than that of the outside.Therefore,given increases of human activities and the probability of disturbances and destructions of the bamboo grove in the park,such a small reserve zone plays an important role in roosting and multiplying of T.pachypus of the park.
出处 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期205-211,共7页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31172045,31110103910) 广东省自然科学基金(8151009101000005) 广东省大学生创新实验项目(1107810024)
关键词 扁颅蝠 保护区 人工竹洞 栖息环境 Tylonycteris pachypus reserve artificial bamboo holes habitat
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