
深生态学:追求和谐发展的环境价值理念 被引量:4

Deep Ecology: An Environmental Value Pursuiting Harmonious Development
摘要 深生态学以追求"生态整体主义"生态本体论为世界观原则,以扬弃现象学理论与方法的生态现象学为方法论依据,以对工业社会造成环境危机根源的不断质疑与深度追问为认识论维度,以人类仅仅作为大地居住者之一,资源使用要以满足人类基本需要等一系列全新理念为价值论目标。深生态学提供的是绿色未来文化的意义总场,蕴涵可以深度阐释与和谐发展的话语空间,由此产生无数具体的精神活动者的具体的生态智慧。凡是自觉支持深生态学运动并崇尚生态整体主义的人,都有可能在反思自己生活方式过程中培养一种深生态意识,形成深生态学生活方式。关注人的精神生活与强调人的价值的生态智慧以生态和谐平衡为己任并成为深生态学核心价值体系。深生态学是追求和谐发展的环境价值理念。 Deep Ecology: An Environmental Value Pursuing Harmonious Developmentl)eep ecology is an environmental value that its woddview principle is to pursue the ecological holism, methodology basis is ecological phenomena which sublate theory and method of phenomenology, epistemology dimension is constant questioning and deep inquiry into the root of the environmental crisis caused by industrial society, value target is a series of new concepts such as that human beings is just one of the earth - dwellers and usage of resources is to meet the basic human needs. Deep ecology is providing the total field about the cultural significance of green future, implicating the discourse space for deep interpretation and harmonious development. As numerous ecological wisdoms of specific mental activities are resulted from it, everyone who consciously supports the deep ecology movement and advocates ecological holism is likely to develop a deep ecological awareness in the process of reflecting on their own lifestyles and form a deep ecology of it. The core value systems of deep ecology are ecological wisdom concerning about the people's spiritual lives and emphasizing on the people's value and the balance of pursuing ecological harmony. Deep Ecology is an environmental value with the task to pursue the harmonious development.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期123-129,共7页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(11BZX029) 内蒙古大学生态哲学创新团队项目(121106-22)
关键词 阿恩·奈斯 深生态学 生态和谐 和谐发展 环境价值理念 Arne Naess deep ecology ecological harmony harmonious development environmental values
  • 相关文献


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