

Risks of Global Market in 2013
摘要 全球经济正在加快复苏。2012年以来,主要经济体经过了政府换届的洗礼,欧元区克服了解体危机,美国避开了财政悬崖,新兴市场躲过了“过热”谶语。 The global economy is speeding up its steps of revival. Around the world, the main economies have finished their government switches. The euro zone almost tided over its risks of breakdown, and the United States shunned the fiscal cliff. The emerging markets, which have led the global economy during the past years, also avoided becoming "too hot". It seems that the world economy has walked out of the mire's bottom after so many countries' efforts. But the steps are still unsteady. The increasing political frictions and policy changes are adding new uncertainties to the world market. As the fuses of the global recession starting in 2008 and even all the other economic crises in human history, the financial industry has turned out to be more discreet, but it is still full of variables. Some countries set out to kindle a so-called "War of Currencies" after condemning the immoral behaviors of financial companies. Although the customs policies go placidly, the trade protectionism is growing rapidly. As the Doha talks fall into stagnation and regional trade schemes begin to rise, the WTO lacks enough power to march ahead and the multilateral trading system faces an unprecedented challenge. Risks will still haunt the global market in 2013. The most apparent change may be the economic factors which have frustrated the world are decreasing, and the political disputes are increasing.
作者 郭栋梁
出处 《中国海关》 2013年第4期16-23,15,共8页
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