

A Hero Goes, More Heroes May Come
摘要 新年伊始,广州海关就开始采取积极行动,在已开展的“两废”源头综合治理的基础上深入开展打击“洋垃圾”走私的“绿篱”专项行动。同时,在成功开展关检合作“三个一”试点的基础上,把“三个一”模式推向整个关区,确保改革取得更大成效。广州海关关长高融昆表示,在把好国门基础上,海关还要保护环境,做好服务,让更多企业获益。 It's hard for company founders to make a self- breakthrough. But someone can do that. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, declared that he would abdicate as the group's CEO. He might be the first person in China to make such a decision. If a successful entrepreneur can be regarded as a hero, then one who can surpass himself is a hero of heroes. The founders take great efforts to build a successful company. But it will take even more efforts for them to give the baton to a successor. In the American business history which has lasted for nearly a hundred years, the founders' self-breakthroughs are an important guarantee for the companies' long-term development. Compared with that, there have been few firms existing for a long run in the past two hundred years in China. This can be partly charged upon the Chinese company founders' lack of the courage to exceed their own. In the Confucian Analects,Confucius mentioned that a man should have three things to fear, three kinds of friends to keep, three kinds of fondness to seek, and three kinds of matters to abstain. Jack Ma seems to have these valuable resources. If the other Chinese entrepreneurs follow his steps, we would see more heroes in the country's business sector.
作者 李灵
出处 《中国海关》 2013年第4期35-35,15,共1页
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