
左右双Higgs模型中Higgs玻色子协同顶夸克对的产生 被引量:3

Production of Charged Higgs Bosons from Left-Right Twin Higgs Model
摘要 在左右双Higgs模型(LRTH)的理论框架下,我们首先研究了该模型对h在国际直线对撞机(ILC)和大型强子对撞机(LHC)上产生的影响。研究结果表明,在一定的参数空间下,相对修正的绝对值可以足够大以至于可以用来检验LRTH模型。其次,我们也研究了在LHC上Th或Th的产生过程。计算结果表明如果选取合理的参数值,总的产生截面可以达到102f。考虑到主要的衰变模式T→→b+φ,h→b(或+h→WW),pppp→Th+Th可以产生tb(或+tbWW)的末态,并且有较小的th产生背景,因此这个新的产生方式有可能在LHC上被观测到。 In the left and right double Higgs model (LRTH) of the theoretical framework, we first studied the model of the International Linear Collider (ILC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on the impact of. Research results show that, under certain parameter space, the absolute value of relative correction can be big enough so that can be used to test LRTH model. Secondly, we also studied the production process of tTh or T th on the LHC. The calculation results show that if the reasonable parameter values, the total production cross section can be reached 102fb. Considering the major mode of decay, ( T φ+b →tbb + or h → b), ( h W +W- → or pp → tTh + Th) can be generated in the final state, and a smaller background, so this new generation is possible in LHC were observed.
出处 《电子测试》 2013年第3期257-259,共3页 Electronic Test
关键词 左右双Higgs模型 直线对撞机 大型强子对撞机 the left and right double Higgs mode ILC LHC
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