

AN Ethical Examination of Clinical Trials with Genetically Modified Rice
摘要 转基因水稻能够提高产量、改善品质、满足不断增长的人口对粮食的需求、增加农民收入,代表了杂交水稻育种的方向。从转基因水稻的研究到转基因大米摆上我们的餐桌,中间必然要经过转基因大米人体试验的环节。目前,转基因大米的人体试验之所以引发全世界舆论的轩然大波在于两点:一是以现在的技术生产出来的转基因水稻,还具有安全的不确定性;二是转基因大米安全的不确定性引发的人体试验的伦理争议。转基因大米人体试验要得到伦理上的辩护,首先,要用新的转基因策略,如创制智能不育系等,使得转基因大米的安全性大大提高之后,再进行转基因大米的人体试验;第二,必需遵循转基因大米人体试验的伦理原则:个人知情同意原则、不伤害原则、公平分配利益与承担风险原则;最后,人体试验要严格依照相关管理程序提交申请,由特设的伦理审查委员会审议批准后才能进行。 Genetically modified rice can increase yields, improve rice qualities, meet thedemands that the increasing population need more food, increase the income of thefarmers, hence stand for an important approach to breed hybrid rice. The clinical trialsmust be completed before the genetically modified rice could finally be placed on thetable for eating. Nowadays, the clinical trials of the genetically modified rice resulted inthe global controversy in that the safety of the genetically modified rice is still uncertain,hence the safety uncertainty causes the ethical controversy on clinical trials. We needtake novel transgenic strategy, such as creating intellective sterile line etc, to improve thesafety of the genetically modified rice before we perform the clinical trial. Secondly, wemust abide by the ethical disciplines: Informed consent, No harm, Fair benefit and riskdisciplines. Thirdly, the clinical trial could be performed only when the application wassubmitted according to the related procedures and approved by the corresponding ethicreview committee
作者 朱俊林
出处 《伦理学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期112-118,共7页 Studies in Ethics
基金 2012年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"食品安全伦理问题研究"子课题<转基因食品安全伦理问题研究>(项目编号:12JJD720008) 国家社会科学基金课题"转基因产品标识管理政策的伦理研究"(项目编号:07CZX023)
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