
穴位埋线治疗原发性痛经的疗效观察(英文) 被引量:1

Clinical efficacy observation of primary dysmenorrhea treated with the embedding catgut therapy
摘要 目的:探讨穴位埋线治疗原发性痛经的疗效,为临床治疗该病寻求一种更好的方法。方法:将150例病例随机分为3组,每组为50例。埋线组取三阴交、次髎、关元,采用穴位埋线进行治疗;针刺组取关元、三阴交、地机、十七椎,采用传统针刺法进行治疗;西药组口服消炎痛25mg,每日3次,痛甚加服芬必得300mg,每日2次。均以1个月为一疗程,共治疗3个疗程。观察患者治疗前后其痛经症状积分变化情况。结果:治疗后3组的痛经症状积分均明显降低(均P<0.05),且埋线组较西药组(P<0.01)和针刺组(P<0.05)更为明显。其中埋线组49例中临床痊愈32例(65.3%)、显效10例(20.4%)、有效6例(12.2%)、无效1例(2.0%),总有效率98.0%。结论:穴位埋线治疗原发性痛经疗效显著,且简便实用,值得临床推广。 Objective To explore the therapeutic effect on primary dysmenorrhea treated with the embedding catgut therapy so as to discover a better therapeutic method for the treatment of this disease. Methods One hundred and fifty cases were randomized into 3 groups, 50 cases in each one. In the embedding catgut group, the embedding catgut therapy was applied to Sānyīnjiāo (三阴交 SP 6), Cìliáo (次髎 BL 32) and Guānyuán (关元 CV 4). In the acupuncture group, the conventional acupuncture therapy was applied to Guānyuán (关元 CV 4), Sānyīnjiāo (三阴交 SP 6), Dìjī (地机 SP 8) and Shíqīzhuī (十七椎 EX-B 8). In the western medicine group, indometacin was prescribed for oral administration, 25 mg, three times a day and fenbid was supplemented for the aggravated pain, 300 mg, twice a day. One session of treatment was one month in each group and 3 sessions were required totally. Before and after treatment, the symptom scores of dysmenorrhea were observed. Results The symptom scores of dysmenorrhea were all reduced obviously in three groups after treatment (all P0.05). The result in the embedding catgut group was much more apparent as compared with that in the western medicine group (P0.01) and the acupuncture group (P0.05) separately. Of 49 cases in the embedding catgut group, 32 cases (65.3%) were cured clinically, 10 cases (20.4%) effective remarkably, 6 cases (12.2%) effective and 1 case (2.0%) failed. The total effective rate was 98.0%. Conclusion The embedding catgut therapy achieves the significant efficacy for primary dysmenorrhea. This therapy is simple in practice and deserves to be promoted in clinic.
出处 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2012年第4期13-17,共5页 世界针灸杂志(英文版)
基金 Supported by Project of Educational Bureau,Hubei Province:B20105103
关键词 原发性痛经 穴位埋线 针灸疗法 primary dysmenorrhea (PD) embedding catgut therapy acupuncture-moxibustion therapy
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