目的:我国短距离速度滑冰运动成绩处于世界水平,但对起跑技术缺乏深刻的认识,训练水平较低,没有形成自己的技术风格,限制了运动员成绩的进一步提高,探究短距离速度滑冰运动员适应新式冰刀性能和技术特点的起跑技术与方法,为提升我国速度滑冰短距离项目的整体竞技水平,以及指导速滑运动实践提供理论与科技支持。方法:以黑龙江省体育运动学校冰雪分校速滑专项训练学生40人为研究对象,其中男运动员25人、女运动员15人,运动等级均为一级运动员,冰龄均为6~8年;采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访问法、教学与训练实验法,对不同起跑方法进行为期8周的训练,并对训练前、训练过程中和训练结束后的起跑10 m、30 m和100 m的疾跑速度,起跑姿势的稳定性进行研究。结果:起跑速度和起跑姿势稳定性的提高与运动员掌握起跑技术的熟练程度有关,当运动员熟练掌握3种起跑技术后,3种起跑方法的起跑速度和姿势稳定具有明显的差异性,起跑10 m、30 m、100 m成绩均值的排列顺序是蛙式、三点式、站立式。结论:经常性的起跑技术训练是提高运动员掌握与运用不同起跑方法的关键环节;短距离速度滑冰运动员采用增加支点的蛙式和三点式蹲姿起跑方法对于提高起跑速度和姿势稳定性具有良好的效果。
Although the performance of Chinese sprint speed skaters has been at the world-class level,the further improvement of their skating performance is limited by the lacking knowledge,low training level and poor style of starting technique.For developing the whole competitiveness of Chinese sprint speed skating and theoretically directing the training practice,the paper discusses the starting technique and method which will help the sprinters fit with the clapskate.With the research object of 40 speed skating students from the ice-snow branch of Heilongjiang athletic sports school,including 25 male skaters and 15 female skaters who are all the first-level sportsmen with the skating age from 6 to 8 years,with the methods of documental information,questionnaire,interview and teaching and training experiment,it has a 8-week training of three starting methods,and analyzes the starting speeds at 10 m,30 m and 100 m before the training,during the training and after the training,and the stability of starting posture.The improvement of starting speed and postural stability is related to the proficiency in starting technique.After the skaters mastering the starting techniques of breaststroke position,three-point position and stand position,the three starting methods' speed and stability show obvious difference.In proper order,it's the breaststroke position,three-point position and stand position according to the average speeds at 10 m,30 m and 100 m.It thinks that a regular training of starting technique is the key of helping the skaters master and apply various starting methods,the starting methods of breaststroke position and three-point position can make for the sprint speed skaters' improvement in starting speed and postural stability by adding the supporting point.
China Winter Sports
speed skating