
APMP制浆综合废液膜分离用聚醚砜膜的再生技术研究 被引量:1

A study on recovery of polyethersulfone membrane used for concentration of the effluent from APMP pulping
摘要 选用四种化学清洗方案对用于碱性过氧化氢化学机械制浆(APMP)综合废液膜分离预浓缩处理过程的污染聚醚砜(PES)滤膜进行清洗和再生。采用通量恢复率、总固形物截留率、CODCr截留率、BOD5截留率和色度截留率作为衡量指标,评价污染滤膜的再生效果。同时运用扫描电镜配合X射线能谱仪(SEM-EDX)和衰减全反射傅立叶红外光谱仪(ATR-FTIR)准确描述污染滤膜的再生过程。结果表明:"0.2wt%TritonX-100+脱脂棉球"清洗方案对于APMP综合废液污染滤膜具有最优的再生效果,再生滤膜的通量恢复率可以达到98.5%,总固形物截留率、CODCr截留率、BOD5截留率和色度截留率均接近新膜水平;SEM-EDX和ATR-FTIR分析结果表明,再生滤膜的微观形态结构和化学元素组成与新膜十分接近。 Four chemical cleaning protocols were used for the cleaning and recovery for polyethersulfone (PES) membranes fouled in the membrane separation concentration process for APMP effluent. The cleaning effects were evaluated using the parameters of percent flux recovery, total solids, COD Cr , BOD 5 , and color retentions of membranes. Meanwhile, methods of scanning electron microscope with an energy dispersive x-ray analyzer (SEM-EDX) and attenuated total reflection flourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) were employed to give a more precise assessment for cleaning processes. The results show that for the APMP plant's effluent fouled PES membranes, the cleaning protocol of "0.2 wt% triton X-100+absorbent cotton" presents the strongest cleaning effectiveness. The flux of the fouled membrane can be recovered to 98.5% of the pristine membrane's, and the retentions of total solids, COD Cr , BOD 5 , and color of the cleaned membrane are approximate to those of the pristine membrane. Examinations of SEM-EDX and ATR-FTIR revealed that the micro structure and the elemental compositions of cleaned membranes are close to those of the pristine membranes.
出处 《中华纸业》 CAS 2012年第22期28-33,共6页 China Pulp & Paper Industry
基金 国家"十一五"科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD32B07) 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室开放基金项目(201027) 应用化学与生态染整工程浙江省重中之重学科开放基金项目(YR2011017)
关键词 化学清洗 聚醚砜膜 通量恢复 APMP 综合废液 污染 chemical cleaning polyethersulfone membrane flux recovery APMP effluent fouling
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