目的探讨白介素-18(IL-18)基因-607C/A多态性与子宫内膜异位症(EDM)的关系。方法选择EDM患者234例(EDM组)、健康妇女215例(对照组),采用聚合酶链反应—焦磷酸测序法检测其子宫内膜中的IL-18基因-607C/A多态性分布情况。结果 EDM组IL-18基因-607C/A多态位点的CC、CA和AA基因型频率分别为34.2%、43.6%、22.2%,等位基因C、A的频率分别为56.0%、44.0%;对照组IL-18基因-607C/A多态位点的CC、CA和AA基因型频率分别为20.5%、48.7%、30.8%,等位基因C、A的频率分别为44.9%、55.1%。IL-18基因-607C/A多态性是EDM发病的独立危险因素(P<0.01);C等位基因携带者患EDM的发病风险增高(P<0.01)。结论 IL-18基因-607C/A多态性与EDM的发病存在相关性,C等位基因是EDM发病的重要遗传学危险因素。
Objective To investigate the relationship between IL-18 gene polymorphisms and endometriosis in Chi- nese people. Methods Genomic DNA was extracted from blood lymphocyted of Chinese women with different stage endo-metriosis and controls. The distributions of IL-18 gene -607C/A polymorphisms in 234 specimens of endometriosis and 215 specimens of normal endometrium were determined by DNA sequencing. Results For IL-18 gene - 607C/A polymor- phism, the frequencies of the CC, CA and AA genotypes in the healthy adults were 20.5%, 48.7%, 30.8%, while C and A allele frequencies were 44.9% , 55.1% , respectively. The frequencies of the CC, CA and AA Genotypes in endo- metriosis group were 34.2% , 43.6%, 22.2%, C and A allele frequencies were 56.0%, 44.0%. The distribution of IL- 18 gene -607C/A polymorphism in the two groups was significant difference (P 〈 0.01 ). The risk of endometriosis was markedly higher in the C allele carriers than that in the A allele carriers (P 〈 0.01 ). Condnsions IL-18 gene - 607C/ A polymorphism is correlate with endometriosis. C allele could be the prediposing gene in the development of endometriosis.
Shandong Medical Journal