
射箭运动员瞄准过程中视觉注视行为研究 被引量:3

A research of the visual gaze behavior of archery athletes in targeting process
摘要 目的是对射箭运动员的视觉注视行为进行研究,揭示射箭运动员瞄准时的注视特征。研究对象为7名射箭专家和10名射箭新手运动员。采用运动中视觉注视的方法对被试进行测试和评价,结果表明不同水平射箭运动员射箭过程的视觉注视策略不同。与射箭新手相比,射箭专家展现了较长的静眼注视。射箭专家开始阶段的注视持续时间短于瞄准阶段的注视持续时间。静眼注视可以作为区分射箭专家与射箭新手的专项指标。 In order to probe into the visual gaze behavior of archery athletes and reveal the visual gaze characteristics in targeting process,taking 7 archery experts and 10 archery novice athletes as study objects,this article tests and evaluates the visual gaze behavior of archery athletes in targeting process by using the methods of visual gaze.The results show that different skilled archery players have different gaze features,and archery athletes exhibits longer static eye gaze than archery novice athletes,the archery players' fixation duration in the begin phase is shorter than that of fixation duration during the aiming phase.Static eye gaze can be as a specific indicator to distinguish between skilled archery athletes and less skilled archery athletes.
作者 王丽岩
出处 《辽宁体育科技》 2012年第4期50-53,共4页 Liaoning Sport Science and Technology
基金 吉林大学基础科研经费项目(项目编号:421034181004)
关键词 射箭 眼动 静眼注视 archery visual gaze behavior static eye gaze
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