
论语言理据的首要性 被引量:2

On the Primacy of Linguistic Motivatedness
摘要 任意性的记号不可能带来成功的交际,记号与指涉对象之间必须存在解释项,而解释项来源于对于指涉对象的认知。交际主体任何一方对指涉对象的表征都接受主体间性的限制,它们分别是在场的引得性和离场的像似性,这二者构成交际中符号接地的基础,是语言的理据,任意性只是理据的衍生物。 Arbitrary representamen does not lead to successful communication. Between representamen and object there must be an interpretant, which comes from the cognizance of the object. When representing an intended object, the speaker is subject to the constraints of intersubjeetivity that is either indexieality or iconieity or both of them. These two aforesaid factors constitute the basis for symbol grounding. Linguistic symbols are first and foremost motivated by these two factors, of which linguistic arbitrariness is only a derivation.
作者 宋振军
出处 《淮海工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2012年第21期78-81,共4页 Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 语言理据 引得性 像似性 首要性 motivatedness indexieality iconieity primacy
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