
Toward a Sustainable Energy Development Strategy from the Perspective of Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities for China 被引量:3

摘要 China's energy security situation is increasingly severe. There are many challenges and opportunities in the energy development sector. Bio-fuel has much superiority: abundant resources, product diversification, recycling and increasing rural income. Speeding up bio-fuel development should be a strategic direction for China. In this study we evaluate the relationship between bio-energy utilization and food security using the grey relational analysis method. The results show that China' s biomass energy development has caused little negative impact on food security as determined by agricultural production. However, that does not mean China's bio-energy can develop in an unrestricted way. Developing bio-energy requires the consideration of many factors, including large investment in the short term and fierce competition from biomass supply. 中国能源安全形势日益严峻,机遇与挑战并存。生物质能发展具备资源丰富、产品多元化、循环利用和增加农民收入的显著优势,加快生物质能开发对保障中国能源供给安全极为重要。本文通过运用灰色关联分析方法,对中国生物质能开发与粮食安全之间的关系进行定量评价。结果显示我国生物质能开发对粮食安全的影响并不明显,中国的粮食安全主要受其农业生产条件限制。但这并不意味着中国生物质能可以不受限制的发展,中国发展生物质能需综合平衡多种因素,如短期内大量投资、生物质供应的激烈竞争。清洁、可持续是中国生物能源发展的重要方向。
出处 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2013年第1期80-87,共8页 资源与生态学报(英文版)
基金 Natural Science Foundation of China (41271547)
关键词 energy security BIO-ENERGY food security SUSTAINABILITY China 能源安全 生物质能 粮食安全 可持续性 中国
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