
正义、民主和环境:一种自由主义的环境公民权概念 被引量:1

Justice,Democracy and Environment: a Concept of Liberal Environmental Citizenship
摘要 为了克服自由主义理论对环境以及我们在其中位置的概念问题而导致的严重不一致性,本文提出了"自由主义环境公民权"的概念。这一概念不仅将自由主义公民界定为一名"环境公民",而且从自由主义对环境的基本假设———环境作为人类"基本需求的提供者"和"一个存在理性分歧的主题"———出发,对自由主义环境公民权的概念进行了界定,并分析了自由主义环境公民享有的权利和承担的义务,从而为进一步的理论探讨奠定了基础。 The most common policy strategies for promoting sustainable development are regulatory and economic. However, there is increasing interest in an alternative or complementary idea, namely, "environmental citizenship". This article seeks to develop a particular interpretation of environmental citizenship. It is argued that a consistent political liberalism must conceive of its citizens as "citizens of an environment". An account of liberal environmental citizenship is proposed, and the rights and duties of the liberal environmental citizen are outlined and discussed.
出处 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第1期44-54,共11页 Journal of Nanjing Tech University:Social Science Edition
关键词 自由主义环境公民权 环境公民权 自由主义 权利 义务 liberal environmental citizenship environmental citizenship liberalism right obligation
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