
林黛玉、薛宝钗人物形象刻画的概念隐喻 被引量:3

A Study of the Conceptual Metaphors in the Character Portrayal of Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai in Dream in Red Mansions
摘要 《红楼梦》用神仙、植物表现林黛玉的外在特征,用气态物质、游离的物质表现其内在特征;用花、雪表现薛宝钗的外在特征,用有关于"正"的语言表达来展示其内在特征。由此可知概念隐喻使用的一般规律:隐喻表达遍布语言,但并非每一个隐喻概念都与人物形象紧密相关;同一隐喻概念可以用于刻画不同人物;选择同一始源域的不同方面或不同下属类别都可以表达不同的意义,隐喻表达的数量也对获得不同的效果起着一定的作用。 Based on the Conceptual Metaphor Theory in the framework of cognitive linguistics and the metaphorical expres- sions in the classical novel Dream in Red Mansions, the dominant metaphorical concepts in the character portrayal of Lin Diayu and Xue Baochai are analyzed in a systematic way from their internal and external features. Through this study, the following general rules about the conceptual metaphors in the character portrayal are discovered: The metaphorical linguis- tic expressions are widespread in the language, but not every metaphorical concept is necessarily concerned with the char- acter image. The same metaphorical concept can be used in portraying different characters. Choosing different aspects or subcategories of the source domain can express distinctive meanings. The quantity of the metaphorical expressions also plays a certain role in achieving different effects.
作者 彭小南
出处 《宜宾学院学报》 2012年第3期107-111,共5页 Journal of Yibin University
基金 广西师范大学2010年广西研究生教育创新计划项目(2010106020502M40)
关键词 概念隐喻 人物形象 林黛玉 薛宝钗 conceptual metaphor character portrayal Lin Daiyu Xue Baochai
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