Design Issues for Linking Emissions Trading Schemes--A Qualitative Analysis for Schemes from Europe, Asia and North America
Design Issues for Linking Emissions Trading Schemes--A Qualitative Analysis for Schemes from Europe, Asia and North America
The paper focuses on links between the EU ETS (European Union Emissions Trading Scheme) and selected (domestic) greenhouse gas ETS (emissions trading schemes) from Asia and North America which could open up a perspective to keep the idea of emissions trading alive on a global scale and confront the actual uncertainty in future climate policy. The approach consists of investigating qualitatively the essential requirements of this alternative bottom-up approach. It is evaluated if variations or inconsistencies in the structure and design of domestic ETS as well as legal and institutional characteristics harm or facilitate the concept of linking with the EU ETS. The evaluation of systems leads to the exclusion of systems with voluntary character, relative caps, unrestricted borrowing and price caps from the group of potential linking candidates.
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